#Ubuntu terminal copy paste keyboard shortcuts windows
Note that this replaces anything already on the clipboard.Īnd speaking of shortcuts, in Windows Terminal, Ctrl+Shift+F opens the Find dialog to search for text. Speaking of copy and paste, with Windows Terminal, you can set copyOnSelect to true in settings.json to copy text to the Windows clipboard when you select it in Windows Terminal. I am also still having trouble breaking a habit that starts with Ctrl+Esc (from before there was a Windows key) or Windows+R for the run dialog. Or maybe Microsoft had already implemented a solution in the console long ago and I just never broke my age-old habit of pressing Alt+Space,E,Down,Down,Enter for paste, which even now is heard to break in Windows Terminal. This supports at least the Ctrl+C (copy) and Ctrl+V (paste) default Windows clipboard keyboard shortcuts, which can be quite important when working in shells.

In Windows Terminal, if text is selected, Ctrl+C apparently copies that text to the clipboard and unselects the text otherwise, it issues the cancel command. Windows uses some of the same shortcuts, for example Ctrl+C for copy to clipboard, which can interfere with console commands. Terminals have always supported keyboard shortcuts such as Ctrl+C for cancel. In addition to Alt+Enter to toggle fullscreen mode, I think that one advantage of Windows Terminal may involve keyboard shortcuts for Copy and Paste. Set defaultProfile to the guid of the shell in the list of shells. In Windows Terminal, press Ctrl+, (comma) or click the down-arrow to the right of the tabs to edit settings.json. I found that I could change the default shell and the order of the shells.

I did not like that Windows Terminal defaults to PowerShell. Bart Plasmeijer reminded me to try Windows Terminal as a replacement for the Windows console. Both wsl.exe and bash.exe appear to run in the Windows console by default. I have been using wsl.exe for Windows Subsystem for Linux scripting (see ).